
Typical and Atypical Objects
480 images of objects belonging to 24 different categories. The images are grouped into typical and atypical exemplars and rated based on their typicality.

You can download the images and typicality ratings here.

Lim, Y. I., Clement, A., & Pratt, J. (2021). Typicality modulates attentional capture by object categories. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(4), 1397-1406.

Related and Unrelated Objects
768 images of objects belonging to 48 different categories. The images are grouped into superordinate categories and rated based on their relatedness to two different categories. Most images are adapted from the Massive Memory Database.

You can download the images and relatedness ratings here.

Clement, A., Lim, Y. I., & Pratt, J. (2024). Conceptual grouping in visual working memory: The effects of perceptual grouping, category structure, and encoding time. Manuscript in preparation.